Social Capital

Every interaction you have with another person either gains or loses you social capital with that person.

For example, driving someone to the airport gains social capital. Having that person ride the bus while you drive to the same location costs you social capital.

Social capital can be converted into favors, appreciation, assistance, loans, love, and even real cash.… read more “Social Capital”

Dead Man Basketball

I played 13 straight games down at the Venice courts today. 3.5 hours of basketball. 162 points scored. My team won the first 12 and lost the final one when Aaron and another couple of good players stepped on and beat our exhausted threesome.

Welcome to War

A video unflattering to the US military has been leaked showing two pilots shooting suspected insurgents (and 2 reuters journalists).

I think the pilots were justified in their action… the concept of war without any collateral damage is a silly, stupid American ideal. No other country comes remotely close to being as careful as we are in pursuing war.… read more “Welcome to War”