ScoreTask is Coming….

My new ASP.NET web application, ScoreTask, is currently under development. In the next month the initial version will go live. Some benefits of ScoreTask are:

  1. Simple, cloud-based task management system
  2. Ability to manage multiple levels of employees easily
  3. Unique & fun scoring system that will make tracking & comparing productivity easy.

Soon I will publish some screenshots and logos of what the application will look like.

The Friendless

The stories you hear about the sons and daughters of preachers being wild and crazy are true. Children that grow up watching parents who are forced to be holier than though in front of their congregations and seeing what happens when those same parents inevitably relax or mess up at home generally become jaded. I was one of these types of preacher’s kids who lost their respect for their parents at a young age and picked his own much more hedonistic path instead.… read more “The Friendless”


Facts: Tea party members do not refer to themselves as teabaggers. Fox news is yellow journalism. Obama has raised taxes. Obama is 100% American. Obama has created onerous new government regulations. Obama is doing everything he can to make America a better place. CNN, NBC, Jon Stewart, and the NYTimes have lighter shades of yellow journalism.… read more “Facts”

htaccess Redirect Without Changing Address Bar URL

I had a problem: I wanted any URL that showed up after a certain directory to just pull from one file. So for example:

All should point to:

I found this excellent solution from jdMorgan at Webmasterworld:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^images /image1.png

Napoleon of Average Height

According to Wikipedia and some other articles I read, Napoleon was actually of average height (5’7” at the time) and not short like his popular reputation & 1908 psychologist Alfred Adler made him out to be.  He was thought to be short because of differences in the way French pouce and the British inch (French pouce was larger) and disparagements in the British press.