The Power of Outsourcing

Outsourcing can be enormously powerful for either an organization or an individual. I personally use to outsource my copywriting, certain types of programming, and even business needs. Elance is basically Ebay for services… You post a project that needs to be done and various providers bid to offer you their services. You then choose the best bid and put your money into an escrow account and wait for the project to be delivered.… read more “The Power of Outsourcing”

Poor Neglected Blog

To my loyal fan base, I must apologize for neglecting my blog recently. The summer has been crazy busy and I’ve been buried in work and various events. I will do my best to post more regularly now, but I can’t make any promises!

Genius Marketing: Give Away AK-47 with Car Purchase

The car dealer in the video below has a genius marketing sense… he hasn’t spent any money and got enormous web traffic & foot traffic to his car dealership. The YouTube video has 800,000+ views already. Not only that, but he is supporting the 2nd Amendment!

I love it! Also, this guy destroys the retarded reporter.… read more “Genius Marketing: Give Away AK-47 with Car Purchase”

Rage on Nationalized Healthcare

The recent proposals to nationalize healthcare have finally galvanized freedom-loving Americans to protest. The last few years have seen so many rights and freedoms taken away from Americans through idiotic programs/policies like Cash for Clunkers, the Stimulus, the bailout, the Patriot Act, and others that I thought most Americans had surrendered entirely to socialism. All of those programs though are much smaller steps to a communist nation than nationalizing the healthcare system.… read more “Rage on Nationalized Healthcare”

High Divide Backpacking Trip

I took my little brother Josh backpacking for 4 days to the Olympic National Park this last weekend to hike the High Divide Loop trail. The High Divide Loop trail is gorgeous and a lot of fun, and if you ever get an opportunity you should try it out. At 18.7 miles and a fair bit of elevation gain, the High Divide is a moderately difficult hike depending on how many days you do it in. Josh and I stayed at Sol Duc Falls the first night (.8 miles in), Lunch Lake the second night, and at Sol Duc Park our final night. Pictures and video of the trip are below.

Josh and I made the video below at the trailhead before we left:

Video of the Sol Duc Falls camping area.

We stopped off at Deer Lake to eat some snacks:

Pictures of Lunch Lake on the High Divide Loop:

Lunch Lake
Lunch Lake

Continue reading High Divide Backpacking Trip

Information on Plastic Surgery

Are you at all interested in plastic surgery?  If so, read on.  A good resource for information on chemical peels in los angeles can be found here.  Further interesting data points on before & after photos of acne scar removal los angeles will be brought to you if you click the link.  If you would just like a basic facelift surgery in the beverly hills area of Los Angeles, check out that page.  … read more “Information on Plastic Surgery”

Joel’s New Phone Number

Due to my iPhone’s poor service and dropped calls, I am now using a new phone system.

My phone number is (206) 651-5675.

The new number is a Google Voice phone that rings both my iPhone and my Skype account. My old iPhone number will continue to work, but I may eventually cancel my iPhone altogether so it would be best if you switched over now.