I found this Ebay feedback to be pretty funny…. “If we were in prison, I’d protect you in the shower. Highly Recommended! A+!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pretty good stuff, eh? 🙂
I like the idea of taking vacations, but I don’t like that we have assigned vacations where we are supposed to do certain things. I hate giving people cards, gifts or anything else when I am forced to do it. I would be much happier if I could give gifts and cards out of the kindly feelings in my heart rather than be socially obligated to do it.… read more “Holidays Suck”
Fred Stephens life impacted many people in a positive way and for those who wish to give back in his memory, the following Frederick Stephens III Memorial Scholarship Fund has been established:
Memorial Fund Established for Fred Stephens III.
Fred’s family and friends established the Frederick Stephens III Memorial Scholarship Fund in honor of his life and in his spirit.… read more “Frederick Stephens III Memorial Fund Established”
Interesting commercial using a humorous take on adultery to try to rent more cars. Basically, Avis points out that funny sad feeling that you get when you abandon an old car in favor of a new one. As you walk away, you feel a little bit of heartache at missing the companion of many adventures. Watch the poignant Avis commercial below:
Impressive bit of marketing if you ask me.… read more “Avis “Look Back” Car Adultery Commercial”
My flag football team has now completed the regular season undefeated… barely. The ‘Screamin Eagles’ were 5-0 coming into the game against the 0-5 ‘Fighting Missionaries’ (don’t ask me who comes up with team names). We thought it would be a breeze, but it turned into our hardest fought battle. They played man defense and this was the first time we had seen anything that wasn’t zone and it must’ve confused our quarterback because with 49 seconds left in the game we trailed by 5.… read more “Undefeated!”
Those of you have been reading my blog for quite some time know that I play flag football through the Underdog Sports Leagues in Seattle. Flag football is the sport I have the most fun playing these days and I now am in the midst of my fourth season. Our team, the “Screaming Eagles” (terrible name picked by the original guys a few years ago), is about to play it’s final game of the season tonight.… read more “Underdog Sports League- Flag Football”
Went to some pretty fun clubs while in LA… Here is a photo of me and my friends at one
Microsoft has launched a website that makes it easy for non-programmers to design their own games! If anyone makes a decent game and sends me the embed code, I’ll post it on my blog. Click the link to try it: http://www.popfly.com/ Here is the game I came up with: