Evan Lewis was a famous wrestler who passed away in 1919. There was also another Evan Lewis who was a Los Angeles politician. Another Evan Lewis works for my company and does some really cool stuff. That guy is interesting. I am tired and sick right now so my post on Mr. Evan Lewis probably doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.… read more “Evan Lewis”
Rob Paravonian on Pachelbel
Check out this talented funny musician Rob Paravonian on why classical musician Pachelbel has haunted him for his entire life.
American ALWAYS Doing the Wrong Thing….
Funny little story. Enjoy!
An American soldier, serving in World War II, had just returned from several weeks of intense action on the German front lines. He had finally been granted R&R and was on a train bound for London. The train was very crowded, so the soldier walked the length of the train, looking for an empty seat.… read more “American ALWAYS Doing the Wrong Thing….”
DelTaco Scam
Smooth talking big boy manages to get himself some free food from a DelTaco in California…
… but after he posted the video to Youtube and it got 20,000 hits someone reported him to the police. The police in Rialto (the city where the DelTaco video was filmed) arrested Robert Echeveria (the star) and brought him up on charges for stealing $15 of food.… read more “DelTaco Scam”
Jon Stewart’s Take on Barack Obama’s Race Speech
Barack Obama recently personally wrote a speech on race for a lecture in Philedelphia that is being hailed as one of the greatest in 35 years. Jon Stewart says, “A prominent American politician talked to Americans about race as though they were adults”. The first video below is Jon Stewart’s discussion on Barack Obama’s race speech and the videos below that are the whole race speech itself.… read more “Jon Stewart’s Take on Barack Obama’s Race Speech”
Relationships= Courting, Marriage, House, Children, Death
Highly entertaining on the progression of relationships from date to courting to marriage to house to children to death.
Is this really so bad? I’m not sure. If so many people do it, perhaps it does make people happy. For some reason, I have a sinking feeling of despair contemplating living the rest of my life this way.… read more “Relationships= Courting, Marriage, House, Children, Death”
Floating Fever Eel
When I awoke this morning, I had sharp pain in my throat from a sore throat and I could barely swallow. I gargled some Listerine, which seemed to kill the bugs and the pain. I still didn’t feel well, so I called in sick to work and did my link buying from home.
Tonight, I was digging through my freezer for something to eat and found an eel I had bought from the Uwajimaya market a while back and it said to boil it, package and all.… read more “Floating Fever Eel”
The Easter Bunny HATES You!
Funny Easter Bunny video just in time for Easter Sunday.
Jim Cramer: “Bear Stearns is FINE!”
Last week, everyone’s favorite television market analys said Bear Stearns was absolutely fine. A couple of days later, the company was sold in a fire sale set up by the Feds for $2 a share. What happened? The little guy got screwed again while the big bankers made out like bandits.
Joel Gross- Professional Profile
I made a professional profile site for myself located at http://www.joel-gross.joelx.com/
What do you guys think? I am going to start working on a better one soon and would appreciate feedback. Thanks!