First Day at Riverside Quarry

When I picked up some snacks this morning at Trader Joes the day had an ignomious start. I walked out after making my purchases to find my front car door wide open… apparently in my absent-mindedness I had forgotten to shut it! Scary because later in the day I was going to be trusting my life to my focus and abilities to do things correctly!… read more “First Day at Riverside Quarry”

My Long Distance Relationship Attempt

I had always told myself I would never attempt a long distance relationship.  Close friends had had long distance relationships and inevitably failed.  Most people who have had one swear that they will never do another.  One friend foolishly pursued two and now is twice as adamantly opposed. Success stories are the rare exception that prove the rule.  … read more “My Long Distance Relationship Attempt”

How To Wake Up Early – CEOs Secrets

Waking up early is a very important part of increasing your productivity. Most business activity shuts down by 6pm, so the more hours of work you can get in before 6 the better.

Waking up early also needs to be sustainable. Doing it for two weeks is worthless, this should be a long term commitment. In order to get up before the birds on a daily basis you need to not be exhausted.… read more “How To Wake Up Early – CEOs Secrets”

Guest Post: Black Rooster on Working Out

Today we are fortunate to have a guest blog post from my old friend the Black Rooster on working out. Enjoy!

Dear Readers,

I would like to dedicate this video to all people who join expensive gyms and spend tons of money on clothes, supplements and other shit that you don’t need. I always hear people say things like “I don’t wanna join that gym because they don’t have this or that machine”.… read more “Guest Post: Black Rooster on Working Out”