Financial Firms “Staring Into The Jaws of Hell”

The title of this post is a diirect quote from Martin Fridson, the leading expert on junk bonds, speaking of financial firms and buyout companies.

I hate being right.

The private equity kings and warlords who for the past decade have been making monster paychecks are suddenly seeing their investments sink. The Titanic was a rubber raft compared to what’s happening to these guys.… read more “Financial Firms “Staring Into The Jaws of Hell””

Eric Gustafson Amazing Art Photography

Eric Gustafson’s art photography is really cool. The artist Eric Gustafson tries to bring images to people that they have not seen before including strange perspectives and ambiguous emotive scenes. Eric Gustafson lives in Austin, Texas currently but has lived all over the country including my hometown of Seattle. Look at the images below and let me know what you think of Eric Gustafson!… read more “Eric Gustafson Amazing Art Photography”

Daylight Savings Time Kills People

Daylight Savings TimeDaylight Savings Time is a bad idea- it causes car accidents (including one that my mom got in yesterday and broke her finger).

People are almost twice as likely to get in a car accident the Monday after Daylight Savings Time moves time an hour forward. People get in car accidents an average of 840 times a day in Detroit during a month, but the Monday after Daylight Savings Time has an average of 1,397 car accidents.… read more “Daylight Savings Time Kills People”