Entertaining video about the creepy factor in Google maps.
Snowing Outside In Seattle (Pioneer Square)
I’m sitting at work right now looking out my window and the snow is coming down pretty hard. I work down in Pioneer Square and my office faces north and usually I can see the Hospital right up on the hill, but it looks pretty hazy right now. I love snow. I hope tons come down all night.… read more “Snowing Outside In Seattle (Pioneer Square)”
Interesting Counterpoint to My Market Theories
Read this article on the New York Times written by Ben Stein. He claims that “trader realism” is the factor that is causing markets to go down or up- not any factors based on hard data. I think that he is actually correct, but only in the very short term and and not in the same quantity as he seems to believe.
Seattle SuperSonics Need To Shut UP!
I don’t care and have never cared about the Supersonics. I do not want to have to pay them more money out of my damned pocket so that their 17 fans in Seattle can continue to watch them.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, in 2006 a group of businessmen from Oklahoma City purchased the Sonics and began trying to move them to Oklahoma.… read more “Seattle SuperSonics Need To Shut UP!”
Original POWERTHIRST Video
The original, but somewhat less humorous video on POWERTHIRST.
Play Chess Online at Yahoo FAQ
Why did you start playing chess?
I have become something of a chess addict since college. Occasionally I would go to a cafe to do homework and would get bored and get Plato to play a game with me. I slowly became more and more intrigued by chess. Chess is a strategic game that requires a very logical mind as well as tons of practice.… read more “Play Chess Online at Yahoo FAQ”
JoelX Gets Sociable
No, I don’t have any new friends. I did however add functionality to my blog. If you look at the bottom of a post, you will see icons that link to Digg, Del.icio.us, StumbleUpon and a couple of others. When you like one of my posts, please click the Digg button or any of the others that you are a member of.… read more “JoelX Gets Sociable”
St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank Posts Article Discussing America’s Impending Bankruptcy
Must read article posted by the St. Louis Branch of the Federal Reserve discussing the economic theory behind their (and my) assertions that the United States is a train headed at full speed towards doom.
If you care about your future, you will slog through this article (which admittedly is a little dull at times). It discusses the current economic state in America and where we are headed.
President Bush Pardons His Administration For War Crimes
Gotta love our president. After the Supreme Court declared that detainees were covered under the Geneva Convention, President George W. Bush became very frightened. So what did he do? He pushes a bill through Congress with a tiny provision buried deep inside that gives himself and everyone in his administration IMMUNITY FROM WAR CRIMES PROSECUTION retroactive to September 11, 2001.… read more “President Bush Pardons His Administration For War Crimes”
Fresh Wild Alaskan Cod
Today I went to Uwajimaya’s marketplace in the International District and bought myself two pounds of fresh wild alaskan cod and I’m cooking it right now. My apartment smells like heaven. I found a recipe online and made some alterations for my own version. I laid down a bed of onions on top of oil, put the cod on top and put more onions, diced tomatoes, bread crumbs, ground pepper and basil on top of that.… read more “Fresh Wild Alaskan Cod”