I am at work now and the two coworkers in my office play dance and comedy videos nonstop. We just had an extended conversation about the “intersnatch”. Don’t ask.
Beautiful day!
Today looks like it’s going to be very pretty!
On my way into work, I was looking out over the water and the big buildings downtown with the Cascade mountains in the distance with the sky behind them a deep red color and decided that life is good. The air was brisk and cool. Everything was crystal clear.… read more “Beautiful day!”
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Right or Left
Look at the dancing woman and find out if you are right or left brained… not sure if this test actually works but kind of interesting.
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Justin’s Blog
My little brother Justin has joined the hordes of people attacking the internet. You can see his blog at http://justinjames.blog.com/.
“Remainder” by Tom McCarthy
I just finished reading “Remainder” by Tom McCarthy. It is a novel about a man, who after he suffers a serious head trauma and receives a massive settlement to keep quiet about it, slowly goes mad. Or perhaps he slowly goes sane and the rest of us are the mad ones. I thought it was okay, but it was a fairly arduous read.
Jeremy and I’s conversation on poor fathers
Jeremy: my dad used me to pick up my step mom
a waitress at a local restaurant
me: hahahaha
Jeremy: I’ve heard the story a few times
me: really?
Jeremy: he used me as bait, and it worked
me: what’d he do?
Jeremy: true story
me: nice
Jeremy: toted me around town, my cute chubby 5 y/o self was kind of a little feisty and attracted them in like bees to honey
I remember my dad’s first date with my stepmom
me: yeah?… read more “Jeremy and I’s conversation on poor fathers”
“Call me old fashioned…”
Windows Messenger Broke!
FIX IT MBWAANA, RACHELLE, BEN, ALEX, or one of you other slacker microsoft employees! 😉