Tactical Weapons Training and Sandy Hill








Interesting day today. I went to a tactical weapons training class in Azusa. Learned rapid reload, emergency reload, room clearing, quick draw, multiple assailants, and more. Spent from 930 am to 3pm shooting live 9mm ammo and going through different setups. Quite fun.

My driver an hour out there and back was Sandy Hill, a well-known mountaineer who has famously summitted the tallest peaks on all 7 continents… and infamously brought a french press on the 1996 everest climb where there were multiple fatalities (though none in her expedition).… read more “Tactical Weapons Training and Sandy Hill”

All Texas’d Out

Austin is nice.  Good Barbecue and nice people. Home to University of Texas, a great school with cutting edge buildings.

I just don’t really get the whole Texas pride thing yet. Everywhere I go I see Texas this and Texas that. Even the cars license plates have Texas written on them in a font almost larger than the number itself.… read more “All Texas’d Out”

Public Officials Restrictions

Public officials should not be allowed to campaign for a new job while still holding their current job, especially since they do so while still being paid by us.

Public officials should also not be allowed to set their own salaries, retirement pensions or benefit packages. As a matter of fact, they should receive no benefits other than a salary pegged at the median Americans salary.… read more “Public Officials Restrictions”

Filthy 50 Crossfit workout

Workout of the Day:
“Filthy 50s”
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Took me 36 minutes to do.

Repost from Jeremy: AI to Structured Play

Repost from Jeremy’s new Tumblr.

Artificial Intelligence

Growing industry and something that you would want to specialize and find a way to grow a company in

Sales Reports using Google spreadsheets and javascript

Joel taught himself Google’s api script, which uses javascript

On Sales Reports – Joel was confident that the increased transparency would add to his bottom line

Jeremy was skeptical of this – not all good ideas work as expected

Good to be crazy and iterate – Newton had crazy ideas some good some bad – Newton believed in gravity and ghosts

He was only right about one

Took 2 days to build a program that pulls information from your sales people’s spreadsheets into one main spreadsheet

More flexible than Salesforce

Joel thinks that this is superior to Salesforce or any off the shelf product, because you basically expand it as needed and there are no limitations

To do lists – Joel’ s list is 100 to-dos, start with ideas break them into tasks

Jeremy’s list is 5 -10 to dos per day of small, small tasks – research shows such as write thank you notes should be broken down into smaller tasks such as, look on Amazon.com… read more “Repost from Jeremy: AI to Structured Play”

Italian Employment Law Caused Carnival Cruise Ship Debacle

Almost everyone agrees that the Italian captain of the Carnival cruise ship was utterly incompetent and caused the deaths of several people when he ran his ship aground.  He is now being charged with manslaughter, abandoning ship and other crimes.  Read more about him abandoning ship here.

The question is: Why was this idiot the captain of a major ship in the first place?… read more “Italian Employment Law Caused Carnival Cruise Ship Debacle”