AT&T Won’t Allow Lengthened Cell Phone Ring Time

Unfortunately, AT&T will not allow lengthened ring times for cell phones.  I currently have a 20 second ring time, but I need it to be longer so that when people call my work Vonage number it has time to pass the call from one server to another.  The default setting is 20 seconds and AT&T’s tech support is no longer able to make it a longer time. … read more “AT&T Won’t Allow Lengthened Cell Phone Ring Time”

Wood Pallet Fires Blowing Up America

I was online yesterday, and I came across this insane graphic showing all the wood pallet fires across the country the past two years.
When I used to work at Home Depot, I would constantly get huge splinters in my hands from unloading wood pallets…. plastic pallets are far superior & safer.
Wood pallets piss me off, they’re bad for the environment and eyesore around my community.
read more “Wood Pallet Fires Blowing Up America”

Sports is Like a War Without the Killing

Ted Turner has a famous quote: “Sports is Like a War Without the Killing”.

Is it true?

Ben Roethlisberger, Kobe Bryant, and Mike Tyson, all among the greatest in their respective sports, show that is definitely not true of rape.

Ray Lewis and OJ Simpson are just the most famous NFL players accused of murder.

Most athletes are able to buy their way out of criminal charges by paying off the defendants or their families in sealed deals.  … read more “Sports is Like a War Without the Killing”

Prompt Global Strike: Hit Anywhere on Earth in Under an Hour

Amazing new technology, dubbed “Prompt Global Strike”, enables the U.S. government to hit anything on earth in under an hour with a cruise missile carrying a huge conventional (non-nuclear) warhead.  These bombs can be directed with GPS to hit a target accurately down to a few feet away.

Lots of problems though with this project:

  • These missiles are very similar to missiles that carry nuclear warheads.
read more “Prompt Global Strike: Hit Anywhere on Earth in Under an Hour”

Best Ecommerce Software: BigCommerce Vs Shopify Vs ZenCart Vs Magento Vs NopCommerce Comparison

UPDATED REVIEW: BigCommerce vs Shopify Vs Zencart Vs Competitors

After comprehensive testing and review and comparison, I have determined that at as of late April, 2010 BigCommerce has by far the best offering for people looking at ecommerce software and am about to launch a new version of my product sales website Digital Temp Gauges on it.  … read more “Best Ecommerce Software: BigCommerce Vs Shopify Vs ZenCart Vs Magento Vs NopCommerce Comparison”