Lakshmi Mittal, the fifth wealthiest man on earth and founder of petrochemical titan Reliance Industries, is building a new home for his wife… a home worth nearly two billion dollars! Lakshmi Mittal is building the 27 story skyscraper because his beautiful wife Nita Ambani requested it. The billion dollar home will be over 500 feet high and will contain 400,000 square feet of interior space.… read more “World’s First Billion Dollar Home Owner- Lakshmi Mittal”
Dancing with Douches
Sorta like dancing with the stars, but much much stupider.
Religion & Science in the Dark…
Funny little cartoon about religion versus science. Right click on the image, then hit “View Image” to see the cartoon and read the text.
Midget Mike Motorcycle Flip
First midget in human history to do a motorcycle flip. Yay for the little guy.
Best Break Dancer Ever
The man in the video below appeared on the television show “So You Think You Can Dance”… I’m pretty sure this guy can dance. He just may be the best break dancer ever.. watch him pop & lock, twist and do some ridiculous moves below:
Firefox: No Sound in Videos, Videos Stop Playing After A Few Seconds
A significant issue has arisen with Flashplayer (video player for, and many others) in Firefox… many videos that I have tried playing at home and at work recently have not worked. The whole video loads and I can move the cursor to any point in the video, but the video has no sound and quits playing after only a few seconds.… read more “Firefox: No Sound in Videos, Videos Stop Playing After A Few Seconds”
Crackup Old Internet Video
Thanks to Levi for this amusing old (sic) video on the internet. Watch & enjoy!
How the Government Gives Rebate Checks
Super Tired
I have been super tired for the last few days… I need to snap out of it.
Possibly the Most Disturbing Picture Ever…
Something is very, very, very wrong about the situtation below: