Brett Favre and the Zodiac Killer

After work yesterday, I walked up the Fox Sports Grill on 5th & Pike in downtown Seattle and watched the Cowboys-Packers game with Nick Fitzer and a bunch of his friends. The Dallas Cowboys won, while Brett Favre went down with an injured arm. I don’t usually watch much sports and I think it was more entertaining to watch the crowds of office denizens yell at the plasma televisions in the bar and each other than the game itself.… read more “Brett Favre and the Zodiac Killer”

Joel’s Primary Search Traffic

I get traffic from search queries on Google. Below are the keywords that send the most people to

# % Query Position
1 10.00% nudedaddy 4
2 10.00% jason robinett 8
3 8.00% earl paulk 7
4 8.00% efficeient 8
5 5.00% shannon schreiber 1
6 5.00% broadstripe sucks 1
7 5.00% omi sushi seattle 1
8 5.00% mark rody 2
9 5.00% khodorkovsk 3
10 5.00% no such thing as former kgb 4
11 5.00% sunday late night specials at the ram restaurant puyallup 4
12 5.00% mr cascade christian 5
13 5.00% rachelle robinett 5
14 5.00% fugly conture 7
15 5.00% christian reviews fletch 11
16 5.00% chris bowker 14
17 5.00% earl paulk 25

Nudedaddy..… read more “Joel’s Primary Search Traffic”

King of America: Policy on the Homeless

Living near Pioneer Square gives me an intimate knowledge of the many varieties of bums. Too intimate in my opinion. Yesterday, a short Native American drunk came up to my friend and I as we sat on a park bench and tried talking in very slurred words. I shooed him on his way. He kept trying to talk, so I kept saying, “Shoo shoo, keep moving.… read more “King of America: Policy on the Homeless”

U.S. Federal Government Hiding Trillions in Deficits

Over the last few year, the figures the government has been releasing on the budget deficits has been far underreported. What they did was took out the interest that the massive Social Security and Medicare trust funds earned on money kept in bonds… for instance if the deficit was going to be $400 billion they subtracted out the $200 billion in interest payments.… read more “U.S. Federal Government Hiding Trillions in Deficits”

Annoying Wrist

I am not sure exactly what is wrong with my wrist but it has been bothering me for about a week. I think it is a combination of a sprain and an keyboard/mouse overuse injury. Yeah, pretty gay I know, but when you spend most of your time working with computers and don’t have ergonomic equiptment, ligaments and tendons get hurt.