What Matters in Life

It took me my whole life to work through the false guesses and outright lies other people provide for the meaning of life.

First, I was told loving Jesus was the meaning of life. It took me till I was 17 or 18 to figure out that Jesus and other religions were just fakes. Religion is a mind virus that spreads through people’s fear of death and hell, and their hope to see their dead loved ones again although it has no basis in reality.
read more “What Matters in Life”

The Power of Outsourcing

Outsourcing can be enormously powerful for either an organization or an individual. I personally use Elance.com to outsource my copywriting, certain types of programming, and even business needs. Elance is basically Ebay for services… You post a project that needs to be done and various providers bid to offer you their services. You then choose the best bid and put your money into an escrow account and wait for the project to be delivered.… read more “The Power of Outsourcing”

Howlings of a Jackal

Had drinks with an old friend, Rachelle, yesterday. We met at Barca on Capitol Hill for a martini and a talk about her writing and “epic dreams”. Later we moved to Quinn’s and feasted on frog’s legs and salad. My Bloody Mary was not a good idea in combination with the spiciness of the toad’s hindquarters, but trying new things isn’t always a blast.… read more “Howlings of a Jackal”

Financial Firms “Staring Into The Jaws of Hell”

The title of this post is a diirect quote from Martin Fridson, the leading expert on junk bonds, speaking of financial firms and buyout companies.

I hate being right.

The private equity kings and warlords who for the past decade have been making monster paychecks are suddenly seeing their investments sink. The Titanic was a rubber raft compared to what’s happening to these guys.… read more “Financial Firms “Staring Into The Jaws of Hell””

Scientists Working on Confirming that Joel Is Always Right

For a long time now, I have thought that I solved many of my problems during sleep and during college I firmly held the theory that extra sleep the night before a test was more valuable to me getting a good score than was extra study time. Now proof is coming out that my theory wasn’t based just on laziness, but on facts.… read more “Scientists Working on Confirming that Joel Is Always Right”