Excellent Sushi

Ian and I had some excellent sushi tonight. We went to Omi’s sushi restaurant in Pioneer Square and had 6 sushi rolls that only cost $3 apiece and 2 monster 45 oz hard drinks. Very good.

After we finished our sushi, we went to his buddies’ house and hung out for a few minutes and then headed over to a really cool Capitol Hill bar called the Hideout.… read more “Excellent Sushi”

My IPod Mini Died and Apple Won’t Give Me A New One…

Who cares if it is several years past the expiration of the warranty? Dammit, I want a new one!

Perhaps I will get an iPhone now. Camera, Ipod, Phone and PDA all wrapped into one… yum. The data package is ridiculously expensive, but perhaps they will let me just get the phone on my current package.… read more “My IPod Mini Died and Apple Won’t Give Me A New One…”

Case of Wine

Tonight I went by Trader Joe’s and replenished my wine supply. I got a dozen bottles of varying types and brands. I will do short reviews of each for anyone who cares to read about them. The King of America will be happy to help people learn how to drink properly. The essence is this: Buy the cheapest wines available in bulk quantities and have big dinner parties.

Crazy Dream

Last night I dreamed that I was in a situation like in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”. Massive snowstorms and crazy weather had caused tons of accidents, trapping lots of people including myself. Food was running low, so I loaded up a sled and started to snowshoe my way south. If I was a bit more superstitious, I might think that this dream was a religious prophesy of things to come.… read more “Crazy Dream”