I have driven an aging blue Ford Contour for the last couple of years and it has been a trusty transportation device (except for when the brakes exploded). I have put approximately 20k miles on it, mostly shuttling myself back and forth between Seattle and my grandparent’s house in Puyallup. The Ford Contour is pretty roomy, which is great for tall guys.… read more “1999 Blue Ford Contour Review: Problematic and Fugly”
How to Books Automotive
Sometimes you need to fix your car, truck, minivan or SUV. Unfortunately, many times when you need to do this repair work, you are flat broke. If you are in this situation you need to be able to fix your vehicle yourself.
Fixing your own auto with no knowledge of how to do so can be incredibly challenging.… read more “How to Books Automotive”
“Poo Goatee”
Yesterday, my purty smile took a hit.
I rode my bike to Rachelle’s house and had a nice dinner of salmon salad and wine. At around 5:30ish, I was riding my bike back home to meet a friend. As I was cruising down 3rd street downtown, my bike chain suddenly locked up and the next thing I knew I was lying on my face in the street.… read more ““Poo Goatee””
Mating Ostriches
I was bored and so I watched a show on Animal Planet about ostriches mating. Male ostriches fluff out their wings and feathers and do weird dances for the females for sometimes days on end to convince the female to mate. When the female is ready, she sits on the ground in a weird way and the male runs over and flops down on her back.… read more “Mating Ostriches”
Self control
Theory: The primary factor that sets people apart from each other, that determines who the winner is and who the loser is in life, is self control.
The ability to perform an action that you do not want to do or not do something you desire very much, is vital to success.
Can you make yourself work 18 hours a day at something not enjoyable?… read more “Self control”
Protected: Trashy Romance Queen meets Sleazy Drunk Guy
Math says you are in the Matrix
I read an interesting theory that claims that there is a near mathematical certainty that you are a computer simulation. Many scientists believe that computing power, based on current trends of increases in processing power, in 50 years we will have a computer capable of running simulations of an entire virtual world inhabited by virtual people with fully developed virtual nervous systems.… read more “Math says you are in the Matrix”
Holy Shinolie
The Bush Administration is debating labelling Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization. The war on terror is ridiculous bullshit.. you can’t have war on a tactic. I think our government is finally starting to admit that this war is more about religion than anything else. I thought terrorists were people who use violence and fear to create mayhem and achieve their objectives while disguised as civilians.… read more “Holy Shinolie”
Joel’s loses his writing virginity
I decided to write a story… this is my first draft of my first one, so please be kind. I would appreciate you guys’ thoughts on it. The story is a moment in the life of a character named John. My working title is “John and Pete”. Creative, I know. Anyways here it is:
“Finally done”, I grunted to myself as I slowly walked out to my worn Datsun pickup in the parking lot.… read more “Joel’s loses his writing virginity”
Gatorade Bottle Ideas
I feel like a wild Indian, finding many uses for standard products that surround me. Except instead of using buffalo eyeballs as tampons, I find new uses for Gatorade bottles. For the last few years I have used Gatorade not only for it’s wonderfully tasty sports-enhancement product, but also for the bottles this nectar of the gods comes in.… read more “Gatorade Bottle Ideas”