Greatest Father in History
A Texas man caught his 18 year old stepson raping his 8 year old daughter and called the police and had him arrested. He warned his wife not to post bail for the stepson, but she went behind his back and did it anyways. When the stepson called home, the father answered it and offered to come give him a ride home.… read more “Greatest Father in History”
Nap Time
I love living close enough to work that I can go grab a bit of shut eye during my lunch hour. I am definitely much more fresh and productive after a good twenty minute lunchtime nap.
Religion is BS- Funny George Carlin Video
Voting by “George Carlin”
“There Will Be Blood” Rocked
Everyone should go see it if they get a chance. The final scene made me giggle all night!
Lack of Blog Posts
I started getting carpal tunnel, so I put a wrist brace on and am avoiding using my right hand for two weeks to let it heal itself. I probably won’t post much at all for this period, but that doesn’t mean my ideas are slowing down. When my hand is better, there will be a whole lot more coming.… read more “Lack of Blog Posts”
Power Thirst – It’s Meth in a Can!
“Hump Catting”
“When God gives you lemons you find a new GOD!”
“Drink Power Thirst and you’ll win at everything forever! Running! Football! Arson! Weddings and Art! Even IRONY!”
Watch to find out the incredible joy that is POWER THIRST
Little Bro Justin Marries Heather
My new sister-in-law sent me a link to some of the wedding photos from Hawaii. More photos below:
Not sure what is going on below… lol
Twue Wuv….
Emergency Announcement
I have an emergency public service announcement to convey to everyone who reads my blog. View the video on douchebags below… only you can put an end to douchebaggery.