Jordan’s 1st Annual Christmas

My younger brother, Jordan, had his first annual Christmas. Our other two littlest brothers, Justin and Josh came as well as my mom and stepdad. Jordan’s wife Megan did an excellent job cooking up a fine ham, cheesy potatoes and a big batch of asparagus and green bean salad.

The family got me some good gifts; a black messenger bag, a bartender’s guide and a couple cooking books, and a big box of beef jerky (I have received beef jerky as a gift every year for the last 15 years lol).… read more “Jordan’s 1st Annual Christmas”


On Wednesday, the day after the birth of your Lord, I went and blew away some clay pigeons with a shotgun. Trent invited me to join him and his father down in Orting. His dad, Jay, and his dad’s buddy, Bryan, taught me how to use a shotgun. It’s pretty simple, you just load in the shells, cock, and fire.… read more “Shotguns”

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

I just finished reading “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand. Her philosophy, Objectivism, embodies most of what I believe: individualism, reason, free market capitalism, and allowing people to build for their own success. “Atlas Shrugged” builds on Ayn Rand’s previous book, “The Fountainhead” and greatly expands her philosophy. The actual writing and plot are not very good, but her ideas are brilliant.… read more “Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand”

Trent’s New Duds

My friend Trent just purchased a beautiful 2000 Audi TT MK1 with turbo and 230 HP. Trent will now be cruising in a gorgeous car with 18” rims, tight suspension and great handling. Pictures of Trent’s new ride are below.

Jeremy Nunnally New car

Trent is a very, very lucky man. Mmm… What a sweet car.

Audi For Jeremy Nunnally

I. Want. One.

And I will kill to get it.… read more “Trent’s New Duds”

Can’t Miss Bowl Games

College football’s bowl season is now upon upon us. The system that the NCAA currently has in place is badly broken, so there will be many games that aren’t worth watching. However, there are still a few pretty good ones if you have the time. Check out below:

December 27, 2007– Pacific Life Holiday Bowl at San Diego California.… read more “Can’t Miss Bowl Games”

Bought Myself A Chef’s Knife, Sharpener and Cutting Board…

Yesterday, I picked up a nice Foreshner 8” chef’s knife, a ceramic sharpener and a nice cutting board. I used them last night to cook myself up a fine batch of hobo hash. Hobo hash is a mix of potatoes, grilled onions, hamburger, garlic, eggs and other tasty stuff. I made myself a massive quantity. Yum.