Big plans last night. I had a few different friends all with fun stuff they wanted to do. A couple of coworkers wanted me to go out to Tiki Bob’s with them and I was kind of interested because I haven’t gone out in Pioneer Square since I moved into it. Another friend, Zosia, who had just finished her semester at law school was out partying in Ballard and invited me to meet up.… read more “Friday Wild Man”
No Christmas for the Grinch
The Grinch here is not quite sure what he wants for Christmas. Grinchie doesn’t much like giving presents and when he receives them he feels bad because he didn’t get the other person Christmas presents. Last Christmas, the Grinch offered to cook dinner for several different people for Christmas, but they never took him up on it.… read more “No Christmas for the Grinch”
No Country For Old Men – Amazing Movie
No Country for Old Men was one of the best movies I’ve seen yet. I hate movies that all have a similar ending and this one was new, yet somehow you knew what would happen in the end.
After work, I was feeling bored but not too sociable and I remembered I had been intending to see No Country for Old Men, so I went to Fandango and looked up the show time.… read more “No Country For Old Men – Amazing Movie”
Expensive Car Repairs from Firestone Seattle
I took my car in to the Firestone in Ballard to have them redo the starter on my Ford Contour that the Westlake Firestone had messed up. They redid it for free because it was under warranty, but then found $400 in other “problems” that I had to fix and pay for. Firestone sure put a hurting on my wallet.… read more “Expensive Car Repairs from Firestone Seattle”
Monday Dinner- “House of Hong” Seattle, WA
We were feeling lazy tonight, so our group just went to House of Hong in the International District of Seattle Washington. The House of Hong is an overpriced Chinese place with lots of gaudy decorations. The food was just like any low end place in Chinatown, but the prices were pretty steep for what you got.… read more “Monday Dinner- “House of Hong” Seattle, WA”
I decided I am going to take a shower tonight.
Stupid Ford Contour
I took my car into the shop to get the starter checked out- however the folks at Firestone were unable to replicate the problem. They did find $200 in other work to be done though. Ack!
Joel’s Informational Pages
I created a profile on Barack Obama‘s website and am investigating how Barack’s campaign is using this tool to engage more people.
Joel in LinkedIn My recently created profile on LinkedIn, feel free to contact me.
Joel’s Myspace Profile Link to my MySpace profile for anyone who cares to check it out.
Joel’s Facebook Profile Link to my Facebook info… add me!… read more “Joel’s Informational Pages”
Joel’s New Biz Idea
I had an idea for starting a new business and would like some feedback.
There are currently lots of social networking websites that allow people to create profiles and say things about themselves. I would like to make a site that allows people to say things about other people Wikipedia style. Wiki-people. People could sign on and write reviews of their friends and publicly thank or praise them.… read more “Joel’s New Biz Idea”
Seattle Flag Football Forum
I have created the Seattle Flag Football Forum for people who are interested in setting up scrimmage games in the area.